- December 31, 2013
- 8 minutes read
Muslim Brotherhood Secretary-General Mahmoud Hussein Calls for Unity, Cooperation

Mahmoud Hussein Ahmed, Muslim Brotherhood Secretary General writes: "Coup overthrow is not enough":
The Egyptian people managed – with epic steadfastness and enormous sacrifices – to prevent the July 3, 2013 coup regime from achieving its objectives of making the people kneel to its barbaric dictatorial repression. Indeed, the people convinced the whole world, including coup supporters at home and abroad, that the coup is finally dead.
What we are witnessing today is a whole nation facing a heavily armed, criminal murderous military coup. The people persisted in this unique model of peaceful resistance and defiance for more than 160 days of continuous daily protests, rejecting all provocations and attempts to drag them into violence. In the process, the people suffered tremendous abuse, arbitrary arrests, detention and even murder in cold blood. They did not cower, waver or weaken, nor did they deviate from this unique peaceful protest approach in the face of brutal, criminal tactics.
The important question today is: Is this steadfastness enough? Is it sufficient to end the coup, completely get rid of all its effects, and fully regain the Egyptian people’s rights and freedoms?
So far, the Egyptian people’s steadfastness and persistence in continuing the Revolution, and their resolve to escalate the revolt whatever the sacrifices and whatever the heinous plots and treasonous plans, have produced, on the ground, a lot of political realities that have become essentials that cannot be bypassed or ignored in the Egyptian political scene today:
1 – Now, no-one, neither at the individual level, nor at the level of political and revolutionary forces (including the Muslim Brotherhood), can sidestep the Revolution’s first goal – the return of legitimacy as demanded by all protesters across Egypt.
2 – In their revolt, the people are refusing corrupt state institutions. They now insist on an urgent purge of all corrupt institutions, agencies and apparatuses, especially the police, the judiciary and the media, of all officials who created and contributed to the state of polarization, division and hatred in the Egyptian street. The revolutionary movement will remain vigilant and alert until it achieves this goal.
3 – The revolutionary movement, with all its components, has already become alert and wary of any plots, domestic or foreign, under any name, to steal the Revolution once again, or to pounce on the demands for freedom, social justice and dignity, launched by the January 25, 2011 Revolution. The people are also determined to prosecute all those who spilled citizens’ blood. The Egyptian people will not allow or accept a return of military rule – whether apparent or hidden – ever again.
3 – The unique revolutionary movement has created a distinct state of national harmony among all opponents of this ill-fated coup. There is no way for any ruling regime but to respect the will of the Egyptian people and the choices they make through free democratic mechanisms. No-one can impose his opinion or exclude the other. Thus, the immediate goal is to overthrow the coup, return to the democratic process, and continue the building of a modern democratic civil state.
4 – In the last few months, all the icons of corruption that traded in the blood and the future of the Egyptian people were clearly identified. Meanwhile, the honorable loyal citizens, from all ideologies and orientations, who held the interests of the country, its values and principles high above their own interests their money, their freedom, even their lives, shone brightly.
Now, hypocrites, as well as all those who remained silent or supported the coup without realizing its evil, need to return to their people, their fellow Egyptians, who will be happy to receive them with open arms and hearts as sincere individuals to rejoin the ranks of the honorable.
5 – The experience of the years since the January 25, 2011 Revolution until now has taught the people many lessons that influenced the work of all popular and political movements and groups. These will remain etched in the minds of the Egyptian people and help them develop and improve performance, such as the need for cooperation in issues agreed upon, and to set aside past differences. It is time to stop all accusations and mistrust, which some like to use against others.
With this unique revolutionary movement, we have arrived at a critical and very important stage that needs deep cooperation by everyone to make it a success, that is: getting ready for post-coup action. We see signs of this coup’s defeat now realized.
We must open our minds, our hearts and our hands to every sincere person who wants to contribute to building our homeland. Let us unite our efforts and close ranks to face the heinous plotters and those who hate progress and prosperity for Egypt.
Dr. Mahmoud Hussein Ahmed, Muslim Brotherhood Secretary General
Cairo: December 29, 2013