- April 19, 2013
- 2 minutes read
Muslim Brotherhood Seeks True Justice; Will Not Back Down to Violence and Intimidation
Ahmed Arif, the Muslim Brotherhood’s media spokesman, said acts of violence and vandalism at the end of Friday’s demonstration – in which national movements and groups demanded reform of the judicial system in Egypt – were meant to undermine the peaceful rally and its objectives.
In a statement, Arif added: "Those who masterminded attacks against peaceful demonstrators today are people who are afraid of their legitimate demands – the demands sought by the Egyptian people as a whole these days, after witnessing the ‘Acquittals for All’ soap in which all the toppled regime’s icons of corruption and symbols of repression and persecution were set free, even exonerated, in several recent lawsuits. Justice must be applied to everyone. It is absurd that masterminds are left loose while petty offenders are locked up.
"The Egyptian people know well who calls for violence and who calls for achieving the goals and demands of the revolution; just as they are fully aware who seeks for replication of the ousted regime and leads the counter-revolution, and who is endeavoring for genuine reform."
Arif further added: "All attempts to drag us to violence will not succeed. They will not undermine or smear Friday’s achievement, especially as we rallied in our peaceful demonstrations all day since the morning without any clashes whatsoever."