- January 26, 2013
- 4 minutes read
Muslim Brotherhood Statement on January 25 Revolution Anniversary Violent Incidents

With Egyptians preparing to reap some of the fruits of their great January 2011 Revolution, to complete their march on the road to genuine democracy and to build the homeland’s constitutional institutions, they devote themselves to honest patriotic work, construction, community services and support for the poor – to rebuild State institutions, improve facilities and create proper investment climate, endeavoring to achieve real progress and make all citizens across the country feel safe and secure.
However, as the people hoped revolution objectives would soon be accomplished, particularly retribution on killers of revolutionaries, they were shocked to live through a repugnant nightmare of dubious characters waging an almost full-scale war, seeking to turn hope into despair, and joy into terror, death and destruction, by inciting subversion and the use of violence and thuggery, attacking city halls and police stations, burning historical buildings and railway stations, blocking roads and subway lines, tunnels and bridges, and torching public and private facilities and offices.
Incidentally, some of the torched offices are located in residential buildings, which threatened the lives of innocent Egyptians there. Needless to say, all this violence had a tremendously negative impact on a lot of people’s businesses in many provinces throughout the country.
Looking not too far back, we note that the most important features of the January 25, 2011 Revolution were its peaceful nature, the former regime’s aggression and killing of unarmed demonstrators. Now, we find groups of thugs, gangs and so-called Black Bloc militias violently attack policemen, innocent citizens, government institutions and public and private property.
Perhaps this is not entirely surprising after Egyptian private media’s persistent campaign of deliberate vilifying and misinformation that has been charging people with hatred against the regime, urging them to subvert its legitimacy, even publishing details of sabotage plots a few days before they were carried out. This indicates that someone is masterminding, funding and repeating these subversion plots in a number of provinces.
Meanwhile, the resounding silence of political opposition parties and figures who never condemn these barbaric atrocities against our beloved homeland and the great Egyptian people, with some even gleefully welcoming them, and some others endeavoring to lend political cover and implicit support to such dreadful crimes, may well implicate such parties.
In various parts of the country, masses of ordinary Egyptian people realizing the seriousness of the threat to the homeland, to all citizens and the whole country’s future, came out to face up to those saboteurs. Those patriotic people represent the nation’s conscience and spirit that refuses corruption and the corrupt. They will remain resolved to complete the march of the revolution and achieve their goals so every citizen earns the fruits for which martyrs gave their lives: decent dignified living, responsible freedom, and social justice covering the entire society.
The Muslim Brotherhood pays a sincere tribute to police officers who performed their duties and did everything in their power in the defense of their country, its people, institutions and property against saboteurs, vandals and anarchists.
Achievement of the objectives of the revolution is a responsibility we should all shoulder together. All Egyptians must condemn those violent criminals and hold them accountable in accordance with the provisions of the law. It certainly is most absurd that such individuals or groups should pretend they are claiming martyrs’ rights with yet more unlawful killings and bloodshed.
The Muslim Brotherhood
Cairo – January 26, 2013.