- MB Statements
- March 24, 2013
- 9 minutes read
Muslim Brotherhood Statement Regarding Attacks on Group Youths, Supporters and Headquarters

Muslim Brotherhood Statement read in a press conference on Saturday March 13, 2013:
Certain parties and individuals are doing their worst to drag Egypt into disasters and civil wars. They desperately tried to storm the Itehadia Presidential Palace in several consecutive violent protests, and failed. Then, they tried to torch and vandalize public and private buildings and institutions, spreading their web of violence and destruction across several provinces, and again failed.
Now, they target Muslim Brotherhood youths and their headquarters, in another desperate attempt to undermine society at large, using the most savage means and dirtiest barbaric treachery, using young boys and criminal thugs. They are trying to drag the Brotherhood into a cycle of violence, all the while hiding under ‘revolutionary’ or ‘activist’ banners, phrases and names that no longer deceive the Egyptian people.
Yesterday [Friday], those criminal saboteurs resumed their futile evil attempts. They attacked the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood in various provinces, violated the sanctity of mosques and lay siege to them, targeted innocents inside places of worship, prevented ambulances from reaching the injured, raided homes and stormed offices with a barrage of Molotov cocktail fire-bombs, birdshot and live bullets, and terrorized innocent residents and merchants in surrounding areas.
These attacks wounded hundreds of Brotherhood members, many of whom were treated inside Brotherhood headquarters, while 176 injured Brothers had to be transferred to a number of hospitals, including 26 Brothers in critical condition (brain and chest hemorrhage, and other injuries caused by birdshot in the eye and head).
Violent thugs also torched ten buses, smashed several private vehicles’ windows and windscreens, attacked Brotherhood headquarters in Mansoura, Mahalla, Fayoum and Minya, in addition to a massive mindless attack on our headquarters in Manyal Al-Rhoda where they terrorized and robbed girls preparing for Mother’s Day celebrations and stole office contents.
Anger and pain and frustration boil inside Brotherhood youth, as they take all kinds of insults, curses, obscenities and assaults after the revolution – just as they did before it, paying an exorbitant bill for the election of a leading Brotherhood member to the office of President, at the dawn of a new civil era, challenged by a deep state well-versed in the ways of corruption and despotism.
Brotherhood youths, however, have no intention of venting this anger, except within the boundaries of law and in peaceful ways, believing that God will fail works of mischief, and that falsehood lasts for only a moment, while truth lasts to the end of time.
Brotherhood youth will abide by the Holy Quran, and remember how the first companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and – more recently – the Brotherhood’s earlier generations suffered patiently, giving the greatest lessons and best examples of forbearance, of directing endeavors to appropriate arenas.
If the Muslim Brotherhood had ‘militias’ – as some haters claim, if the Brotherhood was inclined to use violence, it would have retaliated, rather than show so much patience.
It is time for the security services to deal firmly with criminals who disrupt public and private life, all within the boundaries of the law, and to preserve the dignity of citizens and society. It is time for investigative bodies to disclose the names and symbols of mischief and corruption, some of whom still claim to be political figures.
There is no more time for confusion or ambiguity, especially as the people go through the process of reform and revolution against everything that former regime officials and cronies have corrupted on the scene.
The legislature must take all necessary measures to boost the country’s security in a professional manner, so executive authorities would not find their hands tied as they strife to do their duty.
We call on all peace-loving groups and forces that care for social peace, stability and security – all political parties that adopt peaceful discourses, to stand firmly against calls to protests and demonstrations that incite violence. It is no longer sufficient to condemn violence or lament losses. We must all reject any attempt to achieve political gains through violence and savagery.
We yet again reiterate that we believe in the peaceful approach, and apply that in our ethics, our moral code, as well as in practice. But being peaceful does not mean the Brotherhood is easy prey for brokers of violence or beneficiaries of old regime corruption.
The Muslim Brotherhood has decided to legally pursue all those who called or played any part in these demonstrations or incited violence, and we will not abandon any of our rights. We realize that some individuals pretend to condemn violence, even though they knew from the outset that these demonstrations will inevitably turn violent, with some so-called protesters bringing along with them tools of violence and mayhem.
We salute Muslim Brotherhood youths who sacrificed their precious blood and committed to self-restraint in the face of abuse, selflessly serving this homeland. To all these, we express our deepest and most sincere appreciation for their patience and forbearance that characterize men of resolve, honor and strong will.
Indeed, the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) said: The real strong man is not the one who can physically beat another; but the one who can control himself when angry.
In conclusion, we turn to Brotherhood officials and mentors to also express our genuine appreciation for their efforts in helping control the anger boiling in the hearts of youth after the harm that has befallen them, despite their ability to crush their assailants. We appreciate the efforts of all those who assist the Brotherhood – Islamic groups and movements and residents who turned out to protect Brotherhood headquarters. God alone can fully reward those who sacrificed and endeavored to help.
Muslim Brotherhood
Cairo: March 23, 2013.