Muslim Brotherhood Thanks Countries Assisting in Refugee and Migrant Crisis

Muslim Brotherhood Thanks Countries Assisting in Refugee and Migrant Crisis

 The Muslim Brotherhood expresses its full solidarity and support for those who are forced to flee with their families and children from the brutality of their countries’ repressive regimes and despotic rulers who have – with their reckless policies – destroyed their homelands and so forced their people to migrate in search for new homelands where they may find freedom and humanity.

The Muslim Brotherhood offers sincere thanks to all states and governments that offer support and assistance to these oppressed people, for the noble humanitarian position they have taken by sheltering these tortured men, women and children, and for their good reception and treatment of those people.

We call on all countries and institutions to do all they can to support those helpless exiles, and remove all obstacles to help them move to their countries, to find safety and stability for those victims who have committed no sin, no crime, especially as international powers stood unable to stop the murderous injustice of these people’s tyrannical governments with their ruthless policies against their own people.

Ibrahim Mounir 

Muslim Brotherhood Vice Chairman

Cairo: Tuesday – September 1, 2015