- Islamic MovementsMB in International pressMB VS. Qaeda
- December 16, 2009
- 6 minutes read
Muslim Brotherhood vs Saudi Salafis – The Political War for the Muslim Mind

A Financial Times report details a split emerging within the Muslim Brotherhood, the Muslim world’s most famous political group. One camp seeks to bring reform through political means and in the other, there are those who do not.
It seems strangely like the battle MPACUK is having with Muslim groups in Britain.
MPACUK advocates political empowerment to bring about the freedoms that Muslims have so long been denied. Other groups have baulked at that and instead demanded Muslims prioritise other aspects of Islam and remain out of politics, a dangerous road for Muslims in the west as it means the only options for Muslims is either no action can be taken to protect the Ummah or a violent one.
This split in the Muslim Brotherhood has had repercussions here in the UK with the off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood here in the UK: the Muslim Association of Britain (MAB).
MAB became a household brand name when the old leaders of MAB joined with the Stop the War Coalition and created a Muslim political brand overnight. Yet it could not maintain it; the leadership may have been ahead of the game, but the middle management and rank and file of the group had not been trained to think differently.
They revolted, demanding a less political leadership . MAB sunk as quickly as it rose. They disappeared into the small world of petty groups that litter Britain’s landscape, happy to recruit and debate over minor issues of fiqh. Go to their flagship mosque in Finsbury Park and the signs of decay are self–evident. An empty prayer hall much like any other mosque.
The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is now fighting this same battle. What is interesting is according to the report where the Muslim Brotherhood loses ground, Saudi Salafi–type groups are gaining it, and although these groups are far more ‘conservative’ they are in fact favoured by Middle Eastern dictators since they stay well out of the political battle.
If you are a reader of this website, we would like to hear from both those who want a say on this subject , either from the Muslim Brotherhood’s perspective, or the Salafi one. Any articles you may want to write as a ‘guest poster’ for publication to this site can be sent to [email protected]
Lastly, if you are a member of a group and want to do a joint debate with MPACUK about the political involvement (even if you are against it) please email us.