- February 9, 2007
- 3 minutes read
Muslim Brotherhood Welcomes Makka Agreement

The Muslim Brotherhood welcomed the agreement signed by Hamas and Fattah yesterday in Makka to end violence in occupied territories and form a national unity government headed by Ismail Hanyya, current Palestinian PM. Mr. Mohamed Mahdi Akef, Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood praised efforts by King Abdulla of Saudi Arabia and President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority to put an end to the blood shed in Gaza which claimed the life of tens of Palestinians and wounding hundreds.
Mr. Akef called on Arab and Muslim countries to provide full and unconditional support to the upcoming new Palestinian national unity government which is expected to form in the next few weeks.
Mr. Akef in his statement asked the Palestinian factions to overcome their differences and unite their efforts to face the Israeli aggressions against the Palestinian people and the current threats targeting Al Aqsa Mosque.
Delegates from Hamas and Fattah have been discussing for the past few days in a serious of meetings in Makka the current faceoff between the two main Palestinian factions which threatened the Palestinian unity and encouraged Israel to revive its old plans to alter the construction around the Holy Mosque in Jerusalem which Jewish extremists claim it was built on top of their holey shrine.
Mohamed Nezal, member of Hamas Political Bureau, stated that leaders of Hamas and Fattah pledged in a special prayer at the Holey shrine (Ka’aba) in Makka to enforce the terms of the agreement. He indicated that three committees have been formed by members of Hamas and Fattah to follow up on the Makka meetings and report to the President and PM on the progress of forming the new government.
Nizal affirmed that Hamas will not recognize