• April 24, 2013
  • 2 minutes read

Muslim Brotherhood Youth Respect Student Will and Democratic Process; Vow Services Continue

Muslim Brotherhood Youth Respect Student Will and Democratic Process; Vow Services Continue

Suhaib Abdel-Maksoud, spokesman for Muslim Brotherhood students, paid tribute to all Egypt’s students, who participated positively in union elections.

Earlier, the committee supervising elections for head of Egypt’s student union declared that the Muslim Brotherhood candidate Ahmed Abdel-Rahman Al-Baqri, head of Azhar University student union as the winner of Egypt’s Vice President of Student Union seat, while Mohamed Badran (independent), head of Banha University student union, won the President of Egypt’s Student Union, after receiving 24 votes against 22 for Brotherhood student. Muslim Brotherhood students also won 7 out of 10 seats in the Student Council’s national governing body.

In a statement to Ikhwanweb, Abdel-Maksoud said: "We respect the democratic process; we obey the will of the students, and thank and appreciate their trust in us. The current phase of student work needs everyone’s effort.

"Brotherhood student services, through channels of university action, will continue non-stop, and will not be links to election victory or loss."