Muslim Brotherhood’s Statement on Gaza Massacre

Muslim Brotherhood’s Statement on Gaza Massacre

As the world watched in horror the massacre committed by the Zionist enemy in Gaza against peaceful protestors who reject the occupation, the US president announced, at a grand Zionist celebration, the opening of the US embassy in occupied Jerusalem in flagrant defiance of international legitimacy and UN resolutions, ignoring the world’s rejection of the move.

The Muslim Brotherhood strongly condemns the brutal massacre, denounces the Arab and international silence, and reiterating its rejection of various measures that perpetuate the occupation, liquidate the Palestinian cause, and the squander the rights of the Palestinian people.

The Muslim Brotherhood stresses its position in this regard:

1- The Palestinian issue, as well as being the central issue of Muslims, is also the cause for all humanity; Jerusalem and all holy places that are on the land of Palestine are trusted in the heart of humanity.

2- No matter how long the Arab and Muslim world struggles, and whatever the cost of the sacrifices, it should never abandon Islamic sanctities or concede the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.

3- Lifting the siege on the Palestinian people that has the full right to their land, becomes the responsibility of the whole world, in general, and the countries that control the United Nations, in particular, under whose control the values ​​of justice and the rights of peoples have been lost. Moreover, the defenders of their homeland and their holy places are accused of terror. 

4- Submitting to the weak proposals advanced by the occupation in the negotiations of surrender sponsored by the forces supporting the enemy, and encouraged by some regimes means nothing but full surrender to the enemy and recognition of legitimacy for its existence and possession of more than eighty percent of the land of Palestine, which is unacceptable and no party has the right to accept It. Noteworthy, the UN resolutions did not dare to recognize what they expect the Palestinian people to recognize.

On the other hand, with the accelerated turn of events in the Middle East, and the region’s entry into a fateful stage that threatens its future, the Muslims Brotherhood renews its total rejection of the introduction of weapons of mass destruction in the region, because the principles of Islam adopt the construction of Earth, spreading peace and security, and demand clearing the region and the whole world from all kinds of weapons of mass destruction, especially the nuclear weapons, affirming the right of all countries to the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

The Muslim Brotherhood calls on all countries in the region to stay away from all that ignites differences or to enter into expansionist or hegemony projects that opens the door wide to manipulate the destiny and future of their peoples and undermine the unity of their countries.

In conclusion, the security and stability of the world cannot be achieved by ignoring the usurped rights of peoples or by failing to support their struggle to earn their freedom and restoring their occupied territories, especially the Palestinian people, who suffers the worst plight of injustice of the modern era.

Muslim Brotherhood

Tuesday, Shaaban 29, 1439 AH, May, 15, 2018