- March 6, 2015
- 4 minutes read
National Alliance Statement Calls ‘Egypt Not For Sale’ Week of Peaceful Revolutionary Protest

Egypt is not for sale. Its people will not allow it to be bought and sold at a conference for ‘homeland brokers’ in which the illegitimate coup’s thieves and traitors seek to serve their own personal interests, forcing the homeland into slavery, all at the expense of the Egyptian people’s sovereignty and dignity.
The Anti-Coup Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance calls on the masses of the Egyptian Revolution in the streets of all cities and villages and in all main public squares to come out in a new revolutionary week under the banner: "Egypt Not For Sale".
The Alliance rejects the conference which is bound to destroy Egypt’s economy, trample the homeland’s sovereignty, and violates the rights of all Egyptians, especially the poor and the workers. The Alliance reiterates its warning to all investors and countries of the world that any agreement entered into with coup authorities will not be recognized: they will all be deemed null and void, arranged with an illegitimate regime.
Now, revolutionary unity is the duty of the time, in order to save the homeland from an illegitimate coup regime which considers the Zionist entity an ally and the Palestinian resistance a terrorist activity, and is gambling with Egypt’s army. The murderer Al-Sisi is skilled only at dealing repression and execution to all the starving people of this country, without any attempt to address citizens’ problems and worries, or the workers’ demands, rights and legitimate strikes.
The coup regime’s continued campaign of bombings and arson around Egypt, aimed at terrorizing the Egyptian people, will not silence the voice of the Revolution, nor force the revolutionaries to drop their demands or stop their rejection of the attempts to sell out Egypt, or to violate its rights and freedoms. Soon, with the help of God, we will restore Egyptian sovereignty and live in dignity, freedom and social justice, and achieve retribution.
No matter how the junta intensify their false trials and double their unjust death sentences, we will honor our pledge to the Revolution. We fear no-one but God. We will not relinquish rights or principles, and will not give up on popular demands for fair and prompt retribution. We will not accept any bargaining, compromise or other new deception. The Revolution knows its way to toppling the illegitimate coup regime and the junta.
Victory for the Revolution
Down with military rule
The Anti-Coup Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance
Thursday – March 5, 2015