Nazzal asks Arabs and Muslims to support the Aqsa

Nazzal asks Arabs and Muslims to support the Aqsa

 CAIRO, (PIC)– Mohammed Nazzal, a political bureau member of Hamas, has asked the Arabs and Muslims worldwide to rise up in support of the Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem in face of the Israeli occupation’s serious violations of its sanctity.

Nazzal, in a telephone address to a conference organized by the Muslim Brotherhood organization in Egypt on Friday, said that defending the Aqsa is not the duty of Arabs alone but of all Muslims.

He described the issue of the Aqsa as "religious" and not a mere political dispute, warning of the serious events in the Aqsa Mosque and the critical stage the Palestine cause is passing through.

Mohammed Mahdi Akef, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood organization, said in a speech on the phone that the Arab governments were dealing with the Palestine cause similar to "our enemies".

Other speakers at the conference, which was attended by a large group of partisans, political and syndicate figures and journalists, championed supporting the Aqsa and lashed out at Arab regimes for letting down the holy site.