- MB News
- November 2, 2005
- 3 minutes read
NDP Member Demands to End the Security-motivated Approach toward the MB
NDP Member Demands to End the Security-motivated Approach toward the MB
Ikhwan online
By Muhammad el-Shreef
Dr. Muhammad Kamal, a member in the General Assembly Board of the Political Committee of the National Democratic Party, called for putting an end to the security-motivated measures taking against the Moslem Brotherhood. It should, instead, be treated within a political frame.
Kamal stated, in a symposium held by the International Economic Forum on Oct.30th, that he supports the idea of putting the Islamic Current within the political sphere, without having them the right to launch a party. He indicated the NDP policy toward the MB aims at keeping the civil pattern of the state; neither military nor religious country. Therefore, any religious-oriented parties are banned. On the other side, if the Moslem Brotherhood desires to form a civil party, it will be up to the decision of the Committee of Parties.
He added that the best way to mix the Moslem Brotherhood in the political action is to give them the chance to stand for election as independents and to let voters to choose. In fact, the MB candidates participate in syndicates, trade unions and student unions.
Kamal repudiated any deals concluded between the NDP and the MB. He cited the freedom of the MB candidates to make their election campaigns and to arrange gatherings as noticeable change.
Meanwhile, Dr. Abdel Monam Said, the Director of Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies and the member of the Political Committee of the NDP, admitted that the Moslem Brotherhood is the most effective and organized opposing power in Egypt. However, he believes that it poses a critical question. They are not allowed to launch religious-authorized party for we live in a civil state where citizenship rights are protected. On the other hand, it is unreasonable to keep them away from the political action. Yet, he expected that 30-45 of the MB nominees will win in the upcoming parliamentary election.