- Democracy
- August 25, 2010
- 2 minutes read
NDP Secretary General: Regime will not allow recurrence of MB win in parliamentary elections
Secretary General for the National Democratic Party, Safwat Sherif asserted that the ruling regime would not allow a recurrence of the Muslim Brotherhood‘s outstanding 2005 parliamentary win in the upcoming parliamentary elections. During the elections the MB were successful in acquiring 88 seats totaling one fifth of the parliamentary seats. Since their outstanding win members of the group are continually targeted since the MP’s have been able to expose corrupt officials making it difficult for corrupters to continue in their schemes
The NDP representative stressed his refusal of any collaborative political work with the Muslim Brotherhood or any other political opposition. He asserted that Egypt was a civil state which fully respected the Constitution and the law, and the law stipulates that there be no political action based on religious references emphasizing that the regime is committed to the Constitution
Sherif pointed out that there is an overall consensus from the leaders and rulers of the NDP that President Hosni Mubarak nominate for a sixth term as the party’s candidate in the upcoming presidential election slated for 2011
Sherif addressed numerous issues including the TV series The group which was a desperate attempt to defame the MB, denying that the regime was linked to the series. He described the NDP as larger than being affiliated to any TV series aired on state run satellite
Sherif pointed out that there is an overall consensus from the leaders and rulers of the NDP that President Hosni Mubarak nominate for a sixth term as the party’s candidate in the upcoming presidential election slated for 2011
Sherif addressed numerous issues including the TV series The group which was a desperate attempt to defame the MB, denying that the regime was linked to the series. He described the NDP as larger than being affiliated to any TV series aired on state run satellite