- Democracy
- January 9, 2011
- 2 minutes read
NDP Tycoons Support Campaign Advocating Gamal Mubarak for Presidency

Two weeks after the end of the annual conference of the National Democratic Party (NDP), some of its members decided to revive the campaign to support Gamal Mubarak’s candidacy for the presidency elections which will take place in autumn this year.
The campaign was launched by Magdy El-Kordy to support the secretary general of the “Policies” of the NDP, however the campaign stopped once NDP leaders announced their nomination for President Hosni Mubarak for the upcoming presidential elections.
The group will launch the project “Gamal as President of Egypt” in a number of governorates including Cairo, Alexandria, Monofeya, Zaqaziq, Giza, the 6th October area and the rest of Egypt’s governorates after that.
The group will not announce the names of the campaign which will mix with people through visiting their homes in cities and villages in order to promote Gamal Mubarak’s candidacy for presidency and to speak about his future role if he became president of Egypt.
The campaign will aim at attracting girls and women to support Gamal Mubarak by including women in the campaign who would only be promoting him within women’s communities.
Businessmen from the NDP will be funding the campaign including Mohamed Abul Enein, Hassan Rateb and Sameh Sawiris.
Unconfirmed news spread about the NDP, stating that it is currently studying the submission of an urgent project to accelerate the presidential elections to take place in April instead of September 2011. Reports say that the NDP’s committee will be meeting within days to study the project of having early presidential elections.