New Torture Video Revealed In Egypt

Web activists and bloggers posted a new footage in which an unidentified citizen is being tortured in an Egyptian police station.
The torture footage shows a policeman ordering a police corporal to slap a citizen on his nape, an act of humiliation, and he incites him to increase this beating.

Many cases of torture have been recently revealed in Egyptian police stations, while the Egyptian Assistant Interior Minister considers these reported cases as no more than 10 % of the real number of torture cases.
For his part, Kamal Habeeb, a human rights activist and coordinator of the National Initiative for the Release of Detainees in Egyptian Prisoners said that “The continuous uncovering of more torture cases reveals only a part of, not all, the truth.
Habeeb pointed out that there are thousands of torture victims who don’t want to speak out for fear of the tyranny and oppression of the policemen who may their power against those victims .
Habeeb confirmed that torture is a systematic policy which is conducted under the full knowledge of the Interior Ministry which is giving a blind eye to thousands of torture cases.

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