Noha al-Zeini: Cassation’s Report Enough for Canceling Al Feqi Parliament Membership

Judge Noha al-Zeini* raised her eyebrows in denial as Dr. Mostafa Al-Feqi claimed that the Court of Cassation confirmed that there was no rigging in the People’s Assembly elections in his constituency; she said what Al Feqi says is completely untrue .
Judge Noha al-Zeini, deputy chairman of the Administrative Prosecution, was stunned by “the claims” of Dr. Mostafa Al-Feqi, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee in the People’s Assembly, about the report issued on Tuesday by the Court of Cassation in which it confirms that there was no rigging in the People’s Assembly elections in Bandar Damanhur constituency; she said what Al Feqi says is completely untrue .
Noha al-Zeini said that Al Feqi tries through his continuous press and television statements to make the public opinion falsely believe that the Cassation’s report proved that there was no rigging in the constituency, but this is totally untrue; this is because the Court of Cassation did not probe into the riggings, saying only that the measures of the election process are invalid without discussing whether they were rigged.
Noha Al-Zeini pointed out that the Court of Cassation relied, in its report around this case, on a kind of judicial tradition which is mostly adopted; this tradition is of canceling decisions on the basis of one of the reasons mentioned in the appeal. With no need for discussing other reasons, pointing that this is what was done in the elections report .
Noha al-Zeini added that” If the court wanted to discuss the rigging, it would adopt a well-known judicial method which the court adopted in previous appeals like:
-That court holds a vote recount by itself
-Summoning all witnesses of the incident to interrogate them (their number is 151 chairmen of subcommittees who gave their testimonies in front of the committee formed in the Judges’ Club)
-Matching signatures to make sure that the right signed papers weren’t replaced with unsigned papers, specially that it can’t be imagined that the president of the general committee accepted all this huge number of unsigned reports from chairmen and members of the subcommittees.
She pointed out that the Court of Cassation did not do all this, and it did not investigate the rigging incident; it only ruled that the procedures were invalid; “This invalidity is enough in itself to cancel Dr. Al Feqi’s membership, assuming that the People’s Assembly will respect the Cassation’s report, and Al Feqi will fulfill his previous media promises of abiding by the Court of Cassation’s rulings” she said.
“I want to point out that the Court of Cassation’s not probing into the rigging in itself fully contradict with Al Feqi’s media’s hubbub to falsely show that the court proved there was no rigging”, said Noha al-Zeini, adding that “he should have kept silent until the People’s Assembly issues a decision on his membership and until the public prosecution issues a decision on the report lodged by the Judges’ Club that the election in his constituency was rigged; the attorney general hasn’t issued any ruling in this report until now, and report hasn’t been investigated, because no witness was summoned.
” I still hop that the attorney general caps his judicial history with investigating into the Judges’ Club report around the election fraud, and forging voters’ will; I hope that he will summon all witnesses of the incident to interrogate because a slow justice is a kind of injustice which, I think, he doesn’t approve.
As for me, I still insist on and stick to every letter in my testimony published in Al-Masry Al-Yom newspaper, with my signature; I am also ready to hold any alive meeting in any respectable program with counselor Ahmed Abdul Sattar Nassar, the president of the general committee, concerning what I said in this testimony.
*Noha Al-Zeini, a deputy chairwoman at the Administrative Prosecution Authority, is a well-reputed Egyptian judge who published a report in which she exposed the riggings she witnessed during the latest Egyptian 2005 parliamentary elections in Damanhur constituency, El-Behera Governorate, for the sake of National Party candidate Dr. Mostafa Al-Feqi, NDP leader, against the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate and ex MP Dr. Gamal Heshmat.

*Counselor Noha Othman Al-Zeiny is a brave judge who broke the barrier of silence and blew the whistle on election rigging and fraud during the 2005 Egyptian parliamentary elections.
Noha El-Zeini– a deputy chairwoman at the Administrative Prosecution Authority- is a well-reputed Egyptian judge who spoke up about the rigging of the elections which she witnessed in a constituency during the Egyptian 2005 parliamentary elections. She is a professor of law, in addition, received MA degree in literature from the Sorbonne University in Paris, and is a poet and littérateur.

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