Nunu: Abbas’s conditions for dialogue deepen rift, reflect bad intention

Nunu: Abbas’s conditions for dialogue deepen rift, reflect bad intention

The PA caretaker government in Gaza on Saturday expressed regret over PA chief Mahmoud Abbas”s rejection of the Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak”s invitation for Fatah-Hamas dialogue in Cairo.

Taher Al-Nunu, the government”s spokesman, said in a press release that the speedy rejection reflected “bad intentions” and a desire to maintain the current state of “division and rupture”.

The government calls on the brothers in Fatah to put high national interests above partisan interests and to respond favorably to repeated Palestinian and Arab calls for dialogue without any conditions attached, he elaborated.

For its part, the Hamas Movement said that Abbas”s insistence on reiterating his impractical conditions for dialogue constituted a “clear rejection” of the Egyptian head of state”s invitation.

Fawzi Barhoum, one of the Hamas spokesmen in Gaza, said in a press release on Saturday that Hamas welcomes Mubarak”s invitation, adding that the invitation reflected Egypt”s pioneering role in support of Palestinian questions