- IslamophobiaObama
- September 9, 2010
- 5 minutes read
Obama condemns torching of Quran describing it as destructive act

With the plan to torch copies of the Muslims holy Quran, The Associated press writes that U.S. President Barak Obama publicly condemned the Florida churches plans describing it as,
"A stunt that could greatly endanger our young men and women who are in uniform and incite suicide bombers".
The controversial plan of burning the Muslims Holy Quran has sparked worldwide anger and dissent.
In a taped ABC interview Obama stressed,
"Look, this is a recruitment bonanza for Al Qaida, you could have serious violence in places like Pakistan and Afghanistan".
Obama has been closely monitored by his opposition with issues concerning Muslims with his latest decision to construct the Ground Zero Mosque and his condemnation of anti_Islamic actions. Obama’s religious sympathies and his resolve against terrorism have been under close scrutiny.
Pastor Terry Jones from the Dove Outreach Centre however has confirmed that he is planning to go ahead with the burning despite worldwide denunciations.
Additional officials from the U.S. administration criticising the move include General David Petraeus, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Obama’s adviser David Axelrod where they hoped to rein in the story by speaking out clearly and with one voice.
Obama voiced his wishes that the pastor would withdraw his heinous plans indicating
"I hope he listens to those better angels and understands that this is a destructive act that he’s engaging in".
Related Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood also weighed in on the issue, condemning the Quran burning day describing it as “insanity".
The German news agency DPA quotes Dr. Mohamed Morsy the group’s media spokesman saying
"This is insanity; the man is a criminal behaving outside of any religion",
"The greater responsibility for this issue lies with the U.S. government, and with the United Nations",
Morsy called on all Muslims to put pressure on their governments to expel U.S. ambassadors and to boycott U.S. products until the U.S. government takes action against this heinous crime
Calling Jones a "lunatic", Morsy compared the pastor to a madman with a loaded gun stressing he threatened international peace and stability.