October harvests an overall increase in the number of detentions, arrests against MB.

October harvests an overall increase in the number of detentions, arrests against MB.

Members of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement in October witnessed the continuing aggression and injustices with more than 115 detentions.


State security forces conducted many arrests and barbaric invasions in numerous governorates all over Egypt on the pretext of the rallies and demonstrations held by members of the movement protesting against the aggressions by the Israeli Occupation forces on al-Aqsa Mosque.


Release orders for many of the detained members were defied and members were transferred to various prisons demonstrating violation of the constitution where some were transferred although interrogations were still under way.


Highly ranked members of the brotherhood and former members of parliament including Dr Gamal Heshmat and Dr Mohamed Sweidan were not spared the ignorance of the regime as detentions were renewed and extended despite release orders by prosecution.


Violations continued with the renowned case 404 of 2009 where Dr Abdul Monem Abul Fotouh Secretary General of the Arab Doctors Union and member of the executive bureau was unjustly arrested. Chancellor Abdallah Abo Hashem denied the release after appeals were made contesting the continued detention due to health issues. In a related case Dr Ossama Nasr was also shorn of his release when security ignored numerous discharges issued.


Prominent lawyer for the MB Abdul Monem Abdul Maqsoud has asserted that measures practiced against the group only prove that there is no actual case where all charges are fabricated in an attempt to deter the MB’s cause.


October also witnessed the continued detention of Eng. Khayrat el-Shater and his companions who were served harsh sentences ranging from 3-10 years in April 2008. In a related issue an appeal was filed but failed to see the light where the judiciary denied the release of the detainees despite serving three quarters of their sentence where the constitution stipulates the right of parole. A further session was postponed till January 12.


An overall of 72 arrest warrants were issued also during October with 24 issues for members in Dakahleya, 22 from Alsharqia, 9 from Monofeya, and others  from  differing governorates.


After 115 days in detention State security released Dr Mahmoud Hussein, Dr Mohamed Kamel from the executive bureau and 6 other detainees. However release orders which were issued were denied bringing the total to 44 defied release orders.


Adding salt to the wound are the deplorable and immature methods in which the State security practiced its unjust ways with the transferring of detainees to prisons further away from their hometowns causing chaos and discomfort in regards to transport and visitation. An incident with the carelessness of Al-marg’s prison administration was evident where Eng. Ayman Ibrahim Desouky entered into a coma because of complications due to diabetes. The absence of the prison doctor also caused havoc as there were no means to assist the detainee.


 University students also faced unreasonable detentions where 10 students from the Faculty of engineering in Zagazig were arrested despite self defense reasons. 5 release orders were issued however none were respected.