- Human RightsReports
- April 14, 2008
- 2 minutes read
Opposition Leader’s Arrest Reveals Cairo’s Uncertainty

The arrest of George Ishaq, one of Kefaya”s (Enough) leaders, has shown the Egyptian government is afraid that the country is divided and angry over the rising costs of living, a leading activist told AHN Media Corporation. Aida Seif Al Dawla argued that Ishaq”s arrest and subsequent release on bail should be seen as the government wanting to put a face to last week”s upheaval in Mahalla Al Kubra.
“The arrest of George Ishaq was because the government wants to make people believe that one organization was responsible for the April 6 strike when in reality it was nationwide and crossed many organizations and people,” Seif Al Dawla said.
She believes that someone in the government realized that Ishaq”s arrest sparked a media fury of reporting that put the struggle in Egypt onto the pages of the world”s press.
“So they released him on bail in order to stop all the writing on this, but it was too late,” she added, “he is a leader in the anti-government movements and his arrest was foolish on their part.”
Ishaq was taken into custody on April 9 from his home after refusing to cooperate with security forces. He spent two days in detention before being released on LE 10,000 ($1,800) bail.
Prosecutors are investigating his case of “inciting protests” daily in Cairo.
“I hope his [Ishaq”s] arrest will give people more confidence that people are willing to take a hit and keep pushing for this country to change,” one activist said, asking that their name not be revealed.