- Palestine
- June 1, 2010
- 10 minutes read
Pakistan echoes with pro Freedom Flotilla demonstrations

LAHORE, The highly offensive and unprovoked Israeli attack and killing of dozens of aid workers on board international aid ship to besieged Palestinians in Gaza carrying food and medicines evoked strong response from all religious quarters in Pakistan, calling it a logical result for Muslim rulers slavery to Israel’s mentor – the US – and demanding a collective Jihad by the Muslim world to wipe Israel off the face of earth.
The brutal attack and murders ignited protests across
The angry Muslim leaders observed that the illegitimate US child was brazenly killing innocent Muslims and those who tried to help Palestinians, while on the other hand Muslim rulers were busy in US slavery through carrying out its so called war on terror and allowing Nato arms and logistic supplies from Pakistani soil which were used to kill innocent Afghani Muslim civilians.
Jamaat e Islami ameer Syed Munawar Hasan called upon the Muslim countries to cut every kind of ties including the diplomatic ones with both
He said
He prayed for the safety of noted Pakistani journalists Tallat Husain and others traveling on the flotilla.
JUP secretary general Qari Zawar Bahadur terming it Israeli terrorism demanded of the Muslim World for waging jihad against
He demanded of the international community to cut diplomatic relations with the
Hizbut Tahrir (HT)
Naveed Butt said Israel, the illegitimate child of America, has the audacity to persecute Palestinian Muslims with impunity because she knew that Muslims were gagged in more than fifty dungeons of nation states where traitor rulers were acting as prison guards to control angry masses. Thus an Ummah of over a billion was unable to remove the tiny filthy state of
Naveed Butt said the only one way to stop Israeli aggression on Muslims does not pass through halls of parliaments, OIC or UN rather it originates from the garrisons of Muslim armies. The Muslim Generals and armies were duty bound to point their tanks and missiles towards
Tanzim-e-Islami ameer Hafiz Akif Saeed said Israeli attack exposed the real faces of US and
Minhajul Quran International (MQI) secretary general Dr Raheeq Ahmad Abbasi said Israeli attack was a demonstration of barbarism and violation of decency, civilized norms and international law. Dr Abbasi drew the global attention to the humanitarian crisis currently developing in
Jamat-ud-Dawah (JD) ameer, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed terming the Israeli attack an act of naked terrorism demanded of the Muslim world to get united and take strong action against Israeli aggression.
He said the silence of the
Jamiat Ahle Hadith Nazim-i-Ala Hafiz Ibtesam Elahi Zaheer said Israeli aggression has established the fact that Tel Aviv was backing all acts of terror in the world. He demanded of the
Nazim-i-Ala Dar-ul-Aloom Jamia Naeemia, Allama Raghib Hussain Naeemi said that it was the duty of the Muslims to help their Palestinian brethren, while the government should play its proactive role on diplomatic level against condemning the Israeli aggression.
Tahaffuz Namoos Risalat Mahaz (TNRM) president Pir Athar Qadri, Fikr Writers Forum president Ziaul Haq Naqshbandi, and others said
Leaders of JI, Liaquat Baloch and Fareed Paracha said that Zionist state was a threat to the international peace.
They said that champion of human rights the
Pakistan Tehrik Insaf (PTI) leaders Omer Sarfaraz Cheema and Ijaz Chaudary said that government should tell the international community especially the
They demanded of the Muslim community to get united on a single platform to counter the aggression of the Zionists and anti-Muslim forces.