- Palestine
- March 31, 2010
- 2 minutes read
Palestinians abort Jewish attempt to slaughter sacrifices in Aqsa
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, — Palestinian citizens and guards of the Aqsa Mosque on Tuesday repelled a group of fanatic Jews who tried to storm the holy site and slaughter cattle as a sacrifice on the occasion of the Jewish Passover.
Palestinian sources said that steadfastness of the citizens compelled the Israeli occupation police to block the fanatics from accessing their cattle fearing for their “safety”.
Locals had reported separate confrontations between Jerusalemites and Israeli policemen on Monday in the vicinity of the Old City especially at the Asbat gate because of the restrictions imposed on worshipers wishing to access the Aqsa Mosque.
The Israeli police command had declared a state of alert in Jerusalem and the surroundings of the Aqsa Mosque on the eve of the Jewish Passover.