Police officer served 5 years prison sentence demonstrating sweet justice

Police officer served 5 years prison sentence demonstrating sweet justice

Justice is served after the judiciary in the Criminal Court in Alexandria announced the 5 year sentence for Police officer Akram Soliman. Investigations proved that the officer had inflicted bodily harm on a 46 year old mentally disturbed detainee. Dr Elhami Mohamed Mounir had filed charges accusing the officer of torturing and violently beating his mentally ill brother after finding him in one of the hospitals after a search long and hard for him.


Numerous human rights organizations and prominent figures including Ayman Nour leader of "Alghad Party" demonstrated their support after a trend seemed to be forming with the frequent incidents and widespread brutality by various members of the police force including the renowned case of "Emad Alkabir".


Lawyers addressed the judiciary stating that police violence has gone on for too long. Citizens have recognized their rights and will no longer tolerate the misconduct and brutality of some of the existing officers on the force. Supporters demonstrated their content when the sentence was read hoping that it will be a message sent to any police officer abusing his authority. After all the policeman’s main responsibility is to protect and serve not terrorize and harm.