- Election Coverage
- May 13, 2007
- 4 minutes read
Poll: “Islam is the solution” Best 2005 Election Slogan
A poll held by the NDP secretary general for women’s affairs in Suhaj confirmed that ” Islam is the solution” was the best slogan in 2005 legislative elections.
A field study confirmed that the slogan “Islam is the solution” is considered the best well used slogan in the campaigning for 2005 elections; this slogan was supported by 75% of those who participated in the study, party members, religious men or independents .
The study, prepared by Dr. Sahar Wahbi, a media professor at Suhaj university and secretary general for women’s affairs in the National Democratic Party in Suhaj, entitled ” Voters’ approaches towards campaigning methods used by candidates for 2005 People’s Assembly elections”, showed that most candidates adopted methods of emotional persuasion to influence the voters, through stirring factors of cult, tribalism or religiousness like the Muslim Brotherhood that used methods and slogans which are approve by voters, like ” Islam is the solution.
Dr. Sahar Wahbi pointed out in her study that 58% of the participants think that the symbol used by the candidate adds nothing important to his campaigning, while 25% that the symbol contributes to the success or failure of the candidate, specially among illiterates. 33.58 % agrees that using slogans is important in the election campaigns. Those participating in the poll rejected the methods of campaigning that used violence and bullying (100% rejection), while 93% rejected buying votes and 83% rejected the method of divide to rule.
For his part, Dr. Hamdi Hassan, the media spokesman of the Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary bloc, said that this study shows why the National Party insists on attacking the slogan through all possible means starting from amending the constitution to this fierce attack; instead of focusing addressing the needs of the Egyptian ordinary citizens, the National Democratic party tries to make it only a battle of slogans.
Asked about the history of the slogan, Dr. Hamdi said that the group adopted this slogan in the 1980s when it joined the Islamic Alliance, the Labour Party and the Liberal Party, in 1987 legislative elections.
Hassan added in a statement to Ikhwanweb that the group will not abandon the slogan because a court ruling issued on November, 18, 2005 approved the slogan “Islam is the solution ” as a political, not a religious slogan; we stick to this slogan as long as the judiciary backs it as a political slogan.
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