Posters of MB Candidate in Faquos are Ripped

The Posters of MB Candidate in Faquos are Ripped
Ikhwan online
By Muhammad Reada

The electoral posters of the Moslem Brotherhood’s candidate in Faquos, Ismail Abdel Haleem, and the MB nominee in Ashker, Amgad Mahmmud Abdel Aziz, were ripped. It is said that the police is the real perpetrator.

It is remarkable that this act is committed in rival-free districts. Therefore, it is possible to suspect security sides. Furthermore, there is spread rumor about orders given to remove all posters in the streets. Nevertheless, only the posters of the MB candidates were taken away while those of the National Democratic Party’s nominee are left.

It is worth mentioning that police was natural. Yet, matters got worse where the propaganda of the MB candidates is violated.