Press Syndicate Holds Meeting for the American delegatation Tomorrow

Press Syndicate Holds Meeting for the American delegatation Tomorrow

Jeter said that she would attend today”s conference in order to call for the necessity of making a change in the current Egyptian governmental policies, adding that she would call for having a fair trial for everyone inside and outside Egypt.
Wahid asserted that “All civilians deserve to be referred to fair and just civil courts.” He added that his intention from the conference is to “tell the whole world that the Egyptian government should not have a double-treatment. Those MB leaders are total civilians. Hence, they should be tried at a fair civilian court.”

Wahid hoped there would be a positive reaction from the US administration towards the case of referring civilians to military tribunals.
“The American government should oppose to what is happening here in Egypt,” he said

It’s worth mentioning that today’s press conference is arranged with the coordination of the MB defense panel.