- February 19, 2006
- 1 minute read
Prominent Brotherhood Member Referred to Prosecution

Today, the Muslim Brotherhood activist Hassan el-Hayawan along with two of his relatives were referred to the Emergency Higher Court of the State Security on charges related to last November legislative vote.
On December 6th, a force of the state security has stormed el-Hayawan’s home at dawn, smashed properties and detained his wife for four hours. He faced charges of affiliating to an outlawed group and working to revive the organization of the Muslim Brotherhood.
El-Hayawan is a professor at the Medical School of al-Zaqaziq University. He, in addition, is a member at the Liberties Committee of Physicians’ Syndicate in el-Sharqia governorate. Furthermore, he is one of the most outstanding political activists and unionists in the government.
Essam Al-Erian, a prominent leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, said the Egyptian regime intends to undermine the group’s image on the wake of its major victory in the elections. El-Arian added that el-Hayawan is an academic professor who is socially and politically influential.