Prominent NDP Member Accuses US and Israel of Orchestrating Strikes in Egypt

Prominent NDP Member Accuses US and Israel of Orchestrating Strikes in Egypt

Prominent ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) member accused the U.S. and Israel of orchestrating the recent waves of strikes in Egypt through what he called  “suspecious websites” referring to the April 6 strike which was triggered by visitors and members of the popular website Facebook.

Majdi al-Daqqaq- editor-in-chief of al-Helal magazine and a member of Politics Committee of the NDP, headed by Gamal Mubarak, stated during an interview with Quds Press that the call for  strikes doesn’t reflect or represent the majority of Egyptians or their political parties and civil society institutions.

“America , Israel , and all enemies of our national security orchestrate strikes in Egypt “he added that Egypt’s enemies would like for Egypt to abandon its role in the region, end support to Palestinians and the only way to do this is by keeping Egypt’s busy with its internal problems and undermine its stability through these strikes and domestic turmoil, according to Daqqaq.

He underestimated the importance of another internet campaign underway calling for civil disobedience and bigger strike on May 4th, President Mubarak birthday, and said that it serves the interests of Israel , U.S. , and enemies of Egypt ’s national security.