- Reform Issues
- March 6, 2011
- 2 minutes read
Prosecutor calls for investigation of former senior gov’t officials
Central Auditing Agency Chairman, Gawdat El-Malt has asserted that he received documented complaints from the general prosecutor, Abdul Magid Mahmoud, citing fraud, corruption and misallocation of state funds against Egypt’s former parliament speaker Fathi Sorour; former secretary general of the ruling National Democratic Party Safwat El-Sherif; former presidential chief of staff Zakaria Azmy; minister for legal and legislative councils Mufid Shehab; former Interior Minister Habib Al Adly; former minister of mass media Anas el-Feki and former Prime minister Atef Ebeid.
Al-Malt confirmed that in 2007, 2009 and 2010 he had in fact submitted surveillance reports to prosecutor general Abdul Magid Mahmoud.
The first report investigates cases of encroachment on state land and use of pesticides used in agriculture by former agriculture Minister.
The second report pointed to gross violations, poor decisions and cronyism in dealings with the selling of the large department store Omar Effendi to owner Anwal, Saudi businessman Gameel El-Qanbeet as previous and subsequent proceedings and sales contract text were marred by serious irregularities.
The third report, according to El-Malt, shows a massive waste of public money by Former Tourism Minister Zoheir Garana on probing sums disbursed from the Ministry of Tourism’s fund to CNN’s press agent for advertising campaign broadcasted on US TV for Egypt.
Al-Malt confirmed earlier in a press conference that more than 1000 cases have been presented to the government, parliament and presidential office over the past six years calling for immediate anti-corruption measures and reforms, but they were totally ignored.
With regard to the reopening of the building located in Nasr City, Al-Malt said he is prepared to resume work provided that the competent authorities provide the necessary protection for watchdog and its members, adding that once the new government be formed, he will address the Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior in this regard.