Qaradawi: Muslim Brotherhood Represents Moderate Islam, Best Group in Muslim Nation

Qaradawi: Muslim Brotherhood Represents Moderate Islam, Best Group in Muslim Nation

Dr.Yusuf Al-Qaradawi (President of the International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS), confirmed in an interview with Amr Adib (an Egyptian television presenter and interviewer) broadcasted on Thursday night September 25,2008, that the Muslim Brotherhood, according to Imam Hassan Al-Banna”s approach, represents the desired Islamic moderation. Al-Qaradawi added that “This approach is manifested through balance and integration, as it adopts a  propagative educational methodology which  includes the development of the Muslim individual, family, community, state, and nation, as it seeks to liberate and unite the Islamic  nation.”


Answering the question if there is a Sunni project as the Shiite”s, Al-Qaradawi described Hassan Al-Banna”s project as a model for the Sunni project whose bricks remain until today. Al-Qaradawi pointed out that the people, however, need to contribute in transforming this theoretical draft into a practical one.  Further, Al-Qaradawi expressed his acceptance of the idea of the MB governing Egypt.


Al-Qaradawi revealed the fact that he had wanted to be a guide for the whole nation, instead of one only for the Muslim Brotherhood when he had refused the position of MB Chair offered to him. Further, he described the MB as being the best, in spite of its shortcomings, among the Egyptian as well as the Islamic nation’s groups in terms of behavior, purity and integrity.


Concerning the Muslim Brothers’ right to seek power at the same time they are involved in their call to Islam, Al-Qaradawi stated, “One can be content with his role of calling for Islam if he finds that the political duties have been taken care of and that people”s needs are being met, but if this is absent then it becomes everyone”s duty to take on the political role.”

Al-Qaradawi called for freedom and democracy in
Egypt before applying the Islamic law explaining that “Without freedom one can do nothing.  We want to get out of the ranks of backwardness into those of progress, but this cannot be attained without freedom.” Al-Qaradawi further described Egypt as the country most desiring of Islam, explaining that it has been the pioneer in both good and evil and that it is ahead of the other Arab countries in terms of an Islamic renaissance.

Concerning Al-Qaradawi”s attitude towards Shiite, he confirmed that his support for Hezbollah during the last war came from his belief in his religion, in the unity of the nation, and in the need to defend the land of Islam adding, “I do not care about whether people are satisfied or discontented when I defended Hezbollah after a fatwa (legal opinion issued by scholars) was issued by some scholars in Saudi Arabia of not supporting Hezbollah.”

Concerning his opinion about the fact that a number of moderate Shiite scholars had attacked him, Al-Qaradawi explained that it was a misunderstanding on the part of some close Shiites who did not contact him to make sure of what he had actually said which was that Sunni scholars work for the State, while Shiite scholars earn their salaries from their people.


Regarding the absence of the Sunni project, Al-Qaradawi said: “There are projects known to scholars that I have contributed to, but the problem is with he who has control over them, not in those who envision it.” Al-Qaradawi further stressed that the Sunni project requires a big country such as Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan or Indonesia adding that “If there was a strong Sunni country then Shiism would not have been able to find its way into Egypt, the country of Al-Azhar and propagation of Islam. We have been invaded in our own homes.”