Rabaa: More Than a Memory, But a Medal of Honor for Its People

Rabaa: More Than a Memory, But a Medal of Honor for Its People


Rabaa Al-Adawiya is not just a memory that is revisited from time to time, and it will not be! It was and will remain a medal of honor on the chests of those who participated in it and sacrificed their lives and their most precious possessions in it, seeking the face of Allah to liberate the will of the Egyptian nation from the shackles of tyranny and oppression.


Rabaa was and will remain a milestone in Egypt’s history; it demonstrated the ability of this noble people to confront falsehood, stand against injustice, and resist anyone who wishes to obscure and deny their right to freedom and self-determination.


The peaceful sit-in at Rabaa was an icon for the free people of the world and a prominent example of clear ideas, revealing the truth, declaring stances, and warning of the potential consequences of the situation; in the face of an authoritarian regime that seized power by force, usurped the will of the people, which was expressed through free elections acknowledged by the world for their integrity. Indeed, Egypt had never witnessed such a sincere expression of the Egyptian people’s will throughout its history.


The tyrant who was challenged by the people of Rabaa with the truth, sacrificing their lives and blood, and who tried to protect Egypt from his tyranny, is the same tyrant who today submits to the Zionist occupation, waiting for its orders, bowing to its will, and following it step by step.


The compass was firmly directed towards Palestine for the protesters at Rabaa. They knew that those who seek to usurp power through oppression would inevitably seek to gain a false legitimacy by aligning with the enemy and supporting the agenda of the brutal Zionist occupation. The vision was clear for the protesters at Rabaa when they realized that the enemies of the nation (foremost among them the Zionist occupation) were the primary beneficiaries of suppressing the voice of freedom in Egypt and restricting the will of the Egyptian people, who believe that Palestine is the central issue of the nation, and whose souls yearn to liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque from the defilement of the Zionist Jews.


Anyone who thinks that Rabaa is a finished event and a forgotten incident is mistaken, not understanding the realities of the situation or the resolve of nations. Rabaa was the beginning and will remain in the hearts of millions, inspiring the free people towards a day of deliverance from tyranny, paving the way for the sincere to confront despotism, and mobilizing efforts to halt the collapse that has afflicted the great Egypt and weakened its strength. With Allah’s will, Egypt will soon recover its vitality, restore its revolution by Allah’s power, and resume the journey of freedom and dignity.


Rabaa will remain a criterion between truth and falsehood, a distinction between those who understand the meaning of humanity and those who have lost its marks, and a differentiation between true patriotism and those who exploit the suffering of the nation.


Rabaa will continue to be the hope that appears on the horizon and lights the way for all who love their country, and it will remain a disgrace to those who killed its people and burned the bodies of its heroes… “And Allah is dominant over His affair, but most of the people do not know” (Surah Yusuf: 21).


Dr. Mahmoud Hussein

Acting Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood

Tuesday, 8 Safar 1446 AH – August 13, 2024 CE