Reactions to Ayman Nour’s arrest

Reactions to Ayman Nour’s arrest

Meanwhile, Ayman nour”s sentence was more succesful to get the Moroccan bloggers” attention last week.

Amazigh qualifies the arrest of Nour as a very bad surprise at the end of 2005 , and he writes in his post intitled “Purelyt Arabica : five-five!” that while Husni Mubarak Has 5 years to govern Egypt, Nour has to spend them in jail.

those dictators don”t want to learn the new rules nor want they leave their places to young est and newest mentalities

Amazigh ends his post saying that the only way to have democratic elections in an arab country is to wait for its president to die or to be disgraced by Americans.

Karim has a different opinion concerning the arrest of Ayman Nour, and he says in The Arab Observers that if Ayman Nour was arrested , it”s because the Egyptian government must feel in a position of force that enables it to do this without fearing an internatiol uproar.

In my opinion, this is evidence that Egypt is still being needed as one of Washington”s key allies in the war on terror. Thus, in this particular case, we may again conclude that the threat of terrorism has only served to further strengthen a repressive arab regime and western ally, not exactly what the extremists sought.

The Arab observers is one of my favorite blogs and it has the paritcularity to reach a large audience with different interests.The main reason lies behind the different sections that ,Karim and Jallal, authors of the blog offer to their readers.
You have the main page that gives an idea of the recent posts you can reach in one of those sections :Political Islam, Current Events, Moroccan Issues, Miscellaneous Topics and Books.

The post about Ayman Nour is in the Current Events section, and its main subject is actually about Mona El Talhawi who got herself in trouble after she published a opinion piece in the International Herald Tribune, in which she expressed sharp criticism of the elections in Egypt.

The Arab observers report that Eltahawy was summoned to a meeting with egyptian officials, during which she was told that her actions are being monitored by the egyptian government.