• November 26, 2017
  • 2 minutes read

Responding to Countries Accusing IUMS of Terrorism, Al Qaradawy: You Fight Moderation and Support Terrorism

Responding to Countries Accusing IUMS of Terrorism, Al Qaradawy: You Fight Moderation and Support Terrorism

 Responding to Countries Accusing IUMS of Terrorism, Al Qaradawy: You Fight Moderation and Support Terrorism


Dr. Yusuf Al Qaradawy, the IUMS president, criticized the inclusion of the International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS) and the World Muslim Council in the banned terror lists by UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Egypt. 
Al-Qaradawy questioned on his Twitter account: "For decades, IUMS had taken on the responsibility to resist the tendency towards extremism that comes from their region, spreading chaos in the Muslim world, and today they accused us of terrorism!” 
The four countries announced in a statement that they’re listing the International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS) and the World Muslim Council as terrorist organization, accusing the two institutions of "working to promote terrorism through the exploitation of Islamic discourse.” However, as in Qatar case, none of the countries has provided any evidence to support their terrorism claims.