- May 23, 2016
- 5 minutes read
Rights NGO: Coup Regime Commits More Forced Disappearance Crimes Against Opponents

Security forces in Alexandria continued its policy of subjecting opponents of the regime to enforced disappearance, in violation of the provisions of the Constitution and the law.
Shehab Centre for Human Rights has received special pleas from families of some of the disappeared, such as:
1. Saeed Alsayed Ibrahim Ali Al-Feki, engineer
* Born July 4, 1983; graduate of the College of Engineering in 2008
– Security forces abducted Al-Feki and subjected him to enforced disappearance, amid reports of state security officers severely torturing him with electricity in all parts of his body, at the headquarters of the National Security apparatus in Alexandria.
2. Ali Ahmed Metwalli, 25 years, Bachelor of Arts
* Metwalli was right outside his place of work at the Engineers Club when security forces kidnapped him at 12 o’clock, according to witnesses. He only got married about four months ago. Security forces stormed his home, destroyed its contents, and stole valuables, jewelry and money.
3. Mohamed Mahmoud, student
* Security forces arrested Mahmoud from the end-of-year examinations room at the Technical Industrial Institute, eight days ago, then subjected him to enforced disappearance, amid reports that he was tortured physically at the National Security headquarters in Alexandria.
4. Omar Alaa, 20, student at the Faculty of Science, Alexandria
5. Ahmed Farid, student
* Security forces arrested Farid along with Omar Alaa above.
6. Abdel-Rahman Mohamed Ata, student at the Industrial High School
* Security forces raided Ata’s family home yesterday (Sunday) in search of the student’s telephone, then proceeded to arrest his mother, sister and aunt along with the aunt’s husband, to put pressure on the student to admit to crimes he did not commit. This is quite an escalation in the notorious security apparatus’ vengeful performance, arresting women and detaining them at police stations to pressure sons into false confessions..
Shehab Center stresses that enforced disappearance crimes by security forces in Alexandria, against the opposition in general and university students in particular, are crimes against humanity with no statute of limitations.
Egypt’s Public Prosecutor must do his legal duty and address these crimes and it, starting an immediate, transparent investigation into these crimes, violations and atrocities.
Shehab Center for Human Rights
Monday – May 23, 2016