- October 12, 2016
- 3 minutes read
Rights Organization, on International Day of the Girl: Stop Atrocities Against Egypt’s Girls

The International Day of the Girl, October 11, was an initiative launched by the United Nations in 2012 to encourage the promotion of girls’ rights globally. It aims to shed light on the reality of the lives of girls around the world.
The reason behind the celebration of the World Day for the girl is that girls and young women are exposed to violence, discrimination and ill-treatment. It highlights the importance of empowering girls and ensuring they enjoy their human rights. The world celebrated the International Day of the Girl for the first time in October 11, 2012.
Looking at the reality of Egyptian girls, we find that the pace of violence, unethical immoral treatment and the lack of respect for their human rights is in constant and severe escalation in the past three years.
Many girls and young women have suffered extrajudicial killings in Egypt during peaceful demonstrations in which they sought to express an opinion that differed from the ruling regime’s.
Many girls have been arbitrarily arrested just because they expressed their opinions. Security forces arrest them in extremely humiliating manners. Some of them have been imprisoned, many were subjected to most atrocious kinds of harassment behind bars, and one of them was executed.
Some Egyptian girls were victims of enforced disappearance, who then spoke – after their release – about what happened to them: violation of their rights, unspeakable threats, and other harsh and severe treatment that no girl or young lady should be subjected to – treatment that breaks local and international laws and the constitution.
On the International Day of the Girl, Shehab Center for Human Rights issues a reminder and an appeal to the world community and all those concerned with human rights across the globe: every official must shoulder his or her responsibility and play his or her part in stopping the atrocities and violations Egyptian girls suffer daily.
Shehab Center for Human Rights
October 11, 2016