- February 16, 2012
- 4 minutes read
Saad Al-Husseini Meets Bishoy; Holds Dialogue With Young Copts About Egypt’s Political Future
MP Saad Al-Husseini, a member of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), met with Father Bishoy, the Holy Synod secretary, in the presence of Abdul Halim Hilal, a member of the FJP secretariat in Gharbiya province, and Mahfouz Helmi, Muslim Brotherhood leader, in St Mary’s Church in Mahalla Al-Kubra city.
Al-Husseini said that the current stage, through which this Egyptian homeland is going, requires the combined efforts of all citizens, emphasizing that no political faction, group or movement can on its own run the country effectively.
Father Bishoy handed out gifts and souvenirs to attendees, saying that, "Copts of Egypt wish for a future with clear vision, with stability and unity that guarantee the construction and development of modern, post-revolution Egypt, which has successfully gained its freedom after more than 30 years of persecution and widespread corruption in all state bodies and institutions".
Al-Husseini pointed that all citizens suffered repression, persecution and corruption under the ousted former regime, and that now the country is starting a new page, where holding state and government posts will be based on qualifications, not religion or partisan affiliation.
He explained that the concerns of the Copts with regard to the FJP are totally baseless, stressing that the ‘integrated national fabric’ will always be the motto for all the sons and daughters of this one homeland, adding, "The Brotherhood bears no hostility towards the Copts at all. On the contrary, they are regarded as brothers and sisters as well as partners in this one nation, and the owners of a real renaissance project".
Further, Husseini told Coptic youth to feel free to visit his office at any time to present and discuss ideas that may benefit and advance Egypt, its economy and its society during the next phase of its democratic transformation process.
Abdel-Halim Hilal said that national unity, amongst the sons and daughters of the people of this one homeland, will remain a beacon of stability, adding that the FJP will strive to fulfill all the needs and demands of all Egyptians by extending its hands to and seeking the help and cooperation of all political forces, parties and stakeholders in Egypt.