- Democracy
- August 31, 2011
- 3 minutes read
Saad el Deen Ibrahim Predicts Conservatives to Win 40% of Parliament Seats
Director of the Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies, Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, predicted that the Islamists may very well be the largest bloc in parliament after the upcoming elections.
Speaking at a conference in Mansoura last week, Ibrahim addressed an audience which consisted of the media and representatives from all political factions and trends. He stated, that he expected the Islamists will secure up to 40% of the seats in parliament. “If this is the case they will have the largest number in the Constituent Assembly which will draft the constitution; if the people don’t like the proposals they will simply return to Tahrir Square”, he said.
Ibrahim returned to Egypt three months ago following the January Revolution after 7 years in exile when the former regime had sentenced him for political dissent.
He believed that it would be some time before Egypt experienced true stability, stating that he preferred the postponement of the parliamentary elections so that the youths can establish a political party. He added that he favoured a presidential rule describing it as more stable. With regards to the surfacing of many political parties, he stressed that it was natural following the revolution that they were being established.
On a personal level Ibrahim confirmed that he intends to publish his experiences, during his detention in Tora Prison expecting the book to be released early next year.
As for joining any political party the notion wasn’t on his agenda he said, however, if he were to choose then he may join The Free Egyptians Party.