- Human RightsMB NewsParliament News
- December 24, 2009
- 8 minutes read
Saleh: The government should practice what it preaches and offer the Egyptian citizens their legitimate rights.
MP Sobhy Saleh, from the Muslim Brotherhood Parliamentary bloc, rebuffed the statement made by Dr. Ali-Eldin Helal, member of the NDP political Bureau and Media Secretary that the Egyptian Constitution, unlike all previous constitutions, has laid down the infrastructure for the legal basis for equal citizenship and human rights.
In his speech on citizenship which he gave at the National Council for Human Rights, Helal stressed that the current constitution provides the right for employment by offering equal opportunities, in addition to the right to education, health care and other privileges.
The NDP’s Secretary of media added that Article 38 provided that the tax system is based on social equality and that one of the presidential duties, as provided by the Constitution is maintaining social equality.
“The Egyptian Constitution has laid the legislative and constitution principles to benefit and promote all economic, social and political human rights.” Helal added.
In a press release to the website “theparliament.com” Saleh rebutted “Does Egypt offer an Interior Minister who respects these human rights, or a government that implements the provisions of the judiciary?” answering his own question he added “Of course not, the Egyptian citizens eat crops irrigated by water from sewage, use unsafe transportation, do not obtain any real health care in addition to being tortured and beaten in police stations; even the simplest rights to choose a leader are denied with forgery and non-transparent elections and if you dare to object than you will be arrested along with the intellectuals”.
Saleh called on the government to speak facts not theories claiming that “Practicing what the government preached with regards to the articles in the Constitution which stipulates respecting the rights and freedoms of citizens instead of simply vocalizing about the Constitution in a critical and theoretical framework would in all reality be more effective.”