Sawiris open to MB rejects Copt President

Sawiris open to MB rejects Copt President

Egyptian tycoon and prominent co-founder of yet-to-be-launched political party, Al-Masryoun ‎Al-‎Ahraar(Free Egyptians) Naguib Sawiris says he would have no reservations if aMuslim ‎‎Brotherhood (MB) candidate won the presidential elections as long as ‎certain ‎principles were preserved. He also does not favour a Christian candidate winning this year’s elections.‎

Sawiris stated he would welcome a member of the MB in power ‎provided that there was gender equality and equality between Muslims and Christians, as well as assurances that other ‎principles would be maintained.‎

However, the well-off businessman dismissed the idea of a Christian ‎winning ‎the presidential elections, implying that a Coptic president would increase ‎sectarian strife in ‎Egypt.‎

“The political movement and freedom Egypt has been witnessing since the revolution ‎will ‎create more awareness in the society, and increase involvement in politics,” he ‎said.

Sawiris also called on the Egyptian youths to join any political party they believe in its ‎‎objectives and views, adding the freedom that now exists after the revolution was the main motive why we ‎thought ‎about launching a political party.  ‎“The previous regime would have cut off the tongue of anyone who speaks out.”‎