Senior MB: Freedom and Fair Trials Versus Terrorism

Senior MB: Freedom and Fair Trials Versus Terrorism

Saad al-Husseini, member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Executive Bureau stressed that the reason for Egypt’s suffering is due to the state of tyranny in country.

Al-Husseini commented on President Mubarak’s speech in the celebration of Police Day that revolutions are only made when there is a state of frustration, blocking freedom and stopping all attempts to achieve peaceful political reform. He added:

"The vote-rigging, corruption and stopping all attempts to achieve peaceful reform are worse than the terrorism which the president spoke about and which is rejected by everyone." President Mubarak has said: "Egypt will win again in its battle with terrorism and will not allow terrorism to disrupt the stability of Egypt, terrorize its people or undermine the unity of Muslims and Copts". The president welcomed the announcement made by the Egyptian Interior Ministry that the Palestinian  "Army of Islam" is responsible for bombing the Church of the Saints in which 23 people were killed and more than 90 were injured on New Year’s Eve.  Al-Husseini said: "The MB strongly condemned the incident and stressed its commitment to the safety and security of this country."  Al-Husseini expressed his fear of fabricating cases saying:

"Unfortunately, we became used to seeing such things being done as they have formerly fabricated charges against Khairat Al-Shater, Hassan Al-Malek and MB leaders in the last military trial."

Al-Husseini called for a fair trial for the defendants and the giving the harshest punishment to deter any defendant found guilty of the crime.

The so-called “Army of Islam” has denied carrying out attacks on the Alexandria Coptic church, accusing Israel of being responsible for the attack.
It is known that the Palestinian Army of Islam is also the main suspect in the al-Hussein bombing which caused injuries to a large number of Egyptians.