- ActivitesHuman Rights
- November 2, 2008
- 2 minutes read
Sit-in against NDP Conference
Some members of Kefaya movement and April 6 youth protested on Saturday, November 1st noon, before the Press Syndicate building, against holding the fifth conference for the National Ruling Party. Opponent forces had called sooner for that sit-in and it moved from in front of the Supreme Court building, at Cairo Center, to that near Press Syndicate building. The SSI forces blocked the place where the sit-in took place with large numbers of soldiers to prevent the protesters arrival.
Among protesters were a number of families of Al Doweeqa rockslide victims, shouting with denouncements against the NDP, repeating that it spoiled everything asking about the bread and the price hikes, raising banners such as: “let Mubarak regime fall” and “we refuse conference of the liar NDP”.
Mohamed Abdul-Quddus, chief of Freedoms Committee at Press Syndicate, said in an exclusive statement to Ikhwanweb, the SSI forces prevented people from approaching the building of the Supreme Court, so they went to the Press Syndicate, what led to decreasing their number somehow.
Dr. Yahia Al Qazzaz, Kefaya member, said the sit-in against the ruling regime is emblematic and reflects the Egyptian people who reject the lies of the NDP which drowned them in the sea, torched them in trains and finally made for them mass graves at Al Doweeqa.