• FJP News
  • October 2, 2011
  • 2 minutes read

Six Men, One Woman Elected for FJP Executive Bureau

Six Men, One Woman Elected for FJP Executive Bureau

 Internal Elections were held at the Freedom and Justice Party’s (FJP) Cairo headquarters on Saturday to choose the Party’s Executive Bureau.


Six members including one woman were voted in through a secret ballot: Hussein Ibrahim, Mohamed Beltagy, Farid Ismail, Saad Husseini, Kamelia Helmy and Ahmed Diab.
Dr. Ahmed Suleiman was chosen as the Bureau’s Secretary General while Dr. Osama Yassin was chosen Secretary Assistant.
Speaking to Ikhwanweb, FJP leader Dr. Gamal Heshmat stated that the elections were held among 15 candidates including 2 women of the FJP’s 72 members from the supreme committee. Six winners were announced including one female.
According to Dr. Ahmed Diab, electing a woman indicates the party’s awareness of women’s key role in political life, and this is reflected in the large number of women in the party and their active roles in all its ranks.