• MB News
  • March 13, 2007
  • 1 minute read

State Security Forces Arrest MB’s Mahmoud Ghozlan

State Security Forces Arrest MB’s Mahmoud Ghozlan

The Egyptian State Security Police stormed, on Monday at 10.00 PM, into the house of Dr. Mahmoud Ghozlan, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood Executive Bureau, and told him that the attorney general issued an arrest warrant against him.

The security forces are still inside the house of Dr. Ghozlan, ransacking the house while he is preparing his bag to go to prison.
Dr. Mahmoud Ghozlan was previously sentenced to five years by a military tribunal in 2001 in the so called “case of university professors”; Ghozlan is a professor in the Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University;We will update about any other developments when more information becomes available.