- DevelopmentHuman RightsIslamic MovementsMB News
- September 13, 2007
- 2 minutes read
State Security Forces Storm Behera Islamic Bookstores

Al-Beheira State Security forces accompanied by IPR officers and some detectives broke almost simultaneously into Islamic bookstores in most regions in the governorate of El-Behera.
The campaign damaged most Islamic bookstores governorate-wide, topped by Damanhour-based Nahw Al-Nour and Kafr Al-Dawar –based bookstore of Yasser Abdul-Rafeh. The goods seized from both bookstores are estimated up to 25000 pounds. Looting the bookstores was accompanied by a random detention of their workers but they were released later.
Yasser Abdul-Rafeh who owns one of the stormed bookstores said:” The state security forces seized goods estimated more than ten thousand pounds”. He confirmed that the state security allows drug dealers to work in public while honest people are hunted, their profits are seized and their goods are damaged.
These campaigns are carried out with the advent of the holy month of Ramadan in an unjustified mix-up between members of the Muslim Brotherhood, their companies and money and the group .
Dr. Mohamed Gamal Heshmat, a Muslim Brotherhood leader and former member of parliament, said that what”s happening hurts, not the claimed MB economy which has no presence on the ground, but it hurts the Egyptian economy. He confirmed that the security will maintain this dirty game for a regime that loots Egypt. By doing so, the security and regime stand against the success of any Egyptian who doesn”t belong to the regime”s clique. Heshmat stressed that there is not relation between the money of the MB individuals and the group.