- DemocracyHuman RightsMB News
- November 13, 2009
- 17 minutes read
Suez State Security ban entry of food to Suez MB’s detainees.

Bahaa Salama, the Brotherhood’s Lawyer in Suez, asserted that violations of rights were practiced on the detainees who were prevented from contacting their relatives. They were also denied food inside the courthouse although most of the detainees came from distant and remote prisons including Burj Al Arab, Damanhour, Wadi El-Natron, They were also denied getting their meals prepared by the Prison Service.
Suez criminal court refused to release 33 Brotherhood’s members from Suez and the Suez Misdemeanor Court’s upheld the release decision which was issued on October 15 for a further 45 days pending investigation.
The detainees are:-
1- Tarek Issa (an accountant at the Financial Directorate in Suez),
2- Osama Issa (an accountant at the Customs office in Suez),
3- Reda Dasuki (an accountant at the Red Sea Port Authority in Suez),
4- Mustafa Mohameden (a school Director),
5- Dr Adel Amer (works at the Institute of Oceanography),
6- Islam Abdel Azim (a teacher in training and education),
7- Noah Deraz (a chemist at an oil pipeline company),
8- Misbah Abu Satti (Director of the Canal Electric Company),
9- Ahmed Shabana (an engineer at the National Steel Company),
10- Ayman Desouki (an engineer at the Red Sea Ports Authority),
11- Abdel Rahman Al-Sayyed (head of manufacturing at Iran-Egypt Spinning and Weaving),
12- Mohamed Ahmed Mustafa (Dean of Students at the Suez IT Graduate Institute),
13- Ibrahim Hamada (Administrative Director of Suez post office),
14- Dr. Majdi Al-Halafawi (works at the Institute of Marine Sciences)
15- Mohamed Mahmoud (a teacher in training and education),
16- Ahmed Murad (a freelance engineer),
17- Yaser Ibraheem (a chemist at General Authority of Red Sea Ports),
18- Mahmoud Al-Saeed Abu Al-Fotouh (Director of the Nasr Company for Fertilizers in Suez),
19- Hani Shaaban (a freelance contractor),
20- Amr Abdel-Majid (a chemist at the Ataqa power plant in Suez),
21- Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Sabaay (a member of the Al-Azhar Fatwa Committee),
22- Ragab Metwaly (a chemist at the Ataqa power plant in Suez),
23- Dr Emad Hamdi (works at the Institute of Marine Sciences in Suez),
24- Hamdi Al-Hussein (an engineer at the Nasr Fertilizer Company in Suez),
25- Hassan Abdullah (Administrative Director at the Nasr Fertilizer Company in Suez),
26- Abdel Hakim Mohammed (works at an oil pipeline company) m
27- Mohamed Al-Sayed (a teacher in training and education),
28- Alaa Khalaf (an engineer),
29- Mustafa Almeselhi (works at the Research Institute of Marine Sciences)
30- Ahmed Sha’rawi (Director of Arab Contractors Suez Branch)
31- Osama Ni’matullah (an engineer at the Gulf of Suez Petroleum Pipeline Company),
32- Hisham Al-Mahdi (an engineer at the Ataqa power station),
33- Medhat Said Mohammad (an accountant at the Memphis Housing Association),
Suez State Security services raided the houses of the 35 Muslim Brotherhood members on August 20 and 21 and arrested them. They were all taken to the office of the district attorney in Suez where they were accused of belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood and were transferred by security services to Wadi al-Natron and Al-Marg prison. The prosecution decided on issuing 15 days detention pending investigation and renewed their detention three times in a row. They were later referred to the Supreme State Security Prosecution in Cairo by Chancellor Ahmad Mahmoud the Suez Attorney-General.