Supporting Palestinian Resistance and Women’s Political Participation Are Our Causes

Supporting Palestinian Resistance and Women’s Political Participation Are Our Causes

The MB keep an eye on new issues that arise in the arena and are always keen on expressing their opinions on all issues raised that are relevant to the country and the nation.
At the Palestinian level, the MB affirm their continuing support for resistance, adoption of the Palestinian cause, work towards breaking the siege on and rebuilding Gaza, as well as their stance calling for Palestinian unity, especially in the current phase, warning against the occurrence of another internal crisis.  The MB further call for the serious engagement in a national dialogue to prevent Palestinian bloodshed, a matter which Khaled Mesh’al affirmed and announced last Tuesday, June 9, 2009, in his press conference in the Arab League.
While many stand confounded by the issue of women’s political participation, the MB made its decisive stance on the matter based on Islam’s integrative vision of dealing with women reflected in the protection of her rights and elevation of the status of her duties (refer to “Mission of the Woman” issued by the MB in 1994).
It is also necessary that the trend towards the empowerment of women, as a positive form of discrimination, not lose balance of the principles and rules of equality and equal opportunity between citizens.  Also, the necessity of establishing guarantees for the execution of this law for a period to be agreed upon must be clarified.
With regards to the role of Parliament and the consolidation and activation of its legislative role, it is necessary at this stage to build a legislative philosophy as well as work on constitutional amendments that ensure balanced representation in the Parliament so that formal institutions have capacity for the requests and needs of society, a matter which requires considering how different groups and laborers will be represented in the Parliament.