- April 7, 2012
- 4 minutes read
Syria Muslim Brotherhood Issues Post-Assad State-for-All Commitment Charter

The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria issued a document which it called a pledge and Charter, and in which it stated its commitments for the future of post-Assad Syria, and vowed to establish pluralism and democracy in a civil constitutional State, with equality of all citizens – even in access to the country’s "highest level posts", and with full respect for human rights and freedoms.
In the text of the document, Syria’s Brotherhood said, "In this Covenant and Charter, we do solemnly pledge to all our people to commit to the letter and spirit of this Covenant to protect all rights, dispel fears and inspire trust, confidence and peace".
The group said that, "This Covenant and Charter offers a national vision and common denominators, adopted by the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria as the basis for a new social contract that establishes new national relationships of peace and harmony between all segments, components and hues of Syrian society, with all its religious, sectarian, ethnic, political and intellectual trends".
Further, the group added that it is committed to ensuring that future Syria is, "A modern civil state, based on a civil constitution that protects the fundamental rights of individuals and groups against any abuse or violation, and ensures equitable representation of all components of society… a democratic pluralistic State with a sophisticated power-cycling system, according to the finest standards of modern human thought, with a republican parliamentary system of government, in which the people choose their representatives and governors through the ballot box, in transparent, free and fair elections".
The group announced that it is committed to the creation of "A State of citizenship and equality, where all citizens are equal, with different ethnic backgrounds and religions, sects and convictions, where any citizen has the right to work the highest posts, on the bases of elections or efficiency, where men and women are equal in human dignity, and where women enjoy their full rights".
The document also indicated that “the future state shall be committed to human rights: dignity and equality, freedom of thought and expression, freedom of belief and worship, freedom of information, political participation, equal opportunities, social justice… all citizens shall equally take part in state renaissance and defense and share wealth and resources. They shall also respect other ethnic, religious and sectarian groups’ rights and privacy in all civil, cultural and social dimensions".
The group also pledged, "The new state shall condemn and fight terrorism, respect international conventions and treaties, work for security and stability on regional and international levels, and establish good relations with neighboring countries, especially the Lebanon". It also vowed that in the future, "There shall be no room for revenge or retaliation". Moreover, it said that, “Those who imbued their hands with the blood of the people, whatever their sects, ethnicity or denominations, have the right to fair, free and independent trials".
In conclusion, the document said, "This is our vision and our aspirations for our desired future. This is our pledge, our Charter and our covenant before God and before our people, before all people. This is a vision we confirm today, after a long history in national action, for several decades since the founding of the group, by Dr. Mustafa Sibai, in 1945.
"With our hearts open, we extend our hands to all our brothers and our partners in our beloved homeland, so our country should take its rightful place among civilized human societies".
For decades, the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria opposed the oppressive regime, which is controlled by top leaders of the Alawi minority. In the 1980s, Brotherhood action turned into armed conflict, during the Hama events in which tens of thousands of people fell dead and wounded.