- MB in International press
- March 9, 2006
- 6 minutes read
Syrian MB’s Chairman: Return to Syria is Near
’Today our return to home becomes nearer than any previous time,’ the UK-based Syrian Muslim Brotherhood’s Chairman Ali Sadr el-Dean el-Bianony told Yemen-based members of his outlawed group.
The chairman denied any mediation or negotiation with the Syrian regime in light of Law 49 of 1980 that sentences to death whoever affiliates to the Brotherhood. El-Bianony said all reports about mediation are mere rumors “we have told all mediators that human rights, tackling humanitarian issues are not negotiable. Detainees are still behind bars, the fate of thousands of them is unknown, exiled members are still abroad, citizens are governed by security apparatus. How can negotiations be held amid such circumstances? Who can negotiate while being subject to death?” as the source termed.
During a visit to Yemen, the Syrian Brotherhood’s chairman held a number of meetings with Yemen-based members in which they discussed the political latest developments and views over the future situation of the group. In Sana’a, Yemeni capital, 150 Brotherhood members reside in different Yemeni cities attended one of these meetings. In Yemen, dozens of exiled Syrian families have lived since 25 years.
The source told Akhbar el-Sharq that el-Bianony did not hold meeting with Yemeni officials during this visit that was aiming only to meet the group’s members.
It is worth mentioning that el-Bianony, exiled in1979, has lived in Landon since 2000, before that time he had dwelled in Jordan for 20 years.
The foreign-based Syrian Brotherhood’s members are estimated to thousands who are living in Arab and European states. Upon the outbreak of the conflict between the Brotherhood and the ruling al-Bath al-Araby Party in 1979-1982, random detentions targeted those who have been suspected to have any connection with the Brotherhood. Therefore, members’ families and the group’s supporters have been forced to leave. In addition, the aggravated situation led to the massacre of Homah which has left thousands of causalities. The toll of exiled Syrians may stand at 150.000.
According to Syrian human right organizations, authorities have released thousands of detainees since the beginning of 1990s.Yet, almost 17.000 have been missed in prisons; they may have been executed. Since 1980, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood has been banned when the government passed Law 49 which sentences to death whoever affiliates to the group. Retroactively, political prisoners of that time have been executed. In 1980s, the Higher State Security Court has made hundred of capital punishments. In 1990s and 2000, the court sentenced to capital penalty some Brotherhood’s members who returned after overseas Syrian embassies insured them. Later, these sentences were remitted to 12-year imprisonment.
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