Abdel-Moneim Abdel-Maksoud


Muslim Brotherhood: We Do Not Use Force or Violence Against Opponents

Muslim Brotherhood leader Mahmoud Hussein affirms that the group did not call protest marches or demonstrations outside Egypt’s Media City, where a journalist was allegedly assaulted.

Morsi Campaign’s Legal Team Submits 134 Electoral Complaints to Presidential Elections Committee

While Shafiq’s legal team reported 8 formal complaints of electoral ‘violations’, Morsi’s submitted 134, which it discussed with the elections committee earlier on Wednesday.

Press Release No. 4 of Dr. Morsi Central Campaign

Concluding the first day of voting in Egypt’s crucial presidential elections without major incidents, Egyptians are more hopeful than ever of a peaceful transfer of power to a civilian authority,

Al-Shater Lawyer Challenges Presidential Disqualification Decision

Muslim Brotherhood lawyer Abdel-Maksoud files an appeal against the presidential elections panel’s ruling to exclude moderate Islamist leader Al-Shater from Egypt’s race for the presidency.

Brotherhood Lawyer: Disqualification Decision Clearly Contradicts Relevant Laws

Egypt’s Brotherhood submits, Sunday, a formal grievance challenging the elections council’s conspicuously political decision to exclude Al-Shater from the presidential race.

Brotherhood Lawyer: Al-Shater Legal Position Perfectly Clear, Solid

Contrary to what certain ‘pessimist’ Egyptian media have been circulating in the past few hours, legal expert Abdel-Maksoud believes Al-Shater’s bid for the presidency is absolutely clear and sound, from