Abdel Monem Mahmoud


Mary Joyce, Her Latest: Free Monem Campaign

Mary Joyce in front of her campaign posts during a recent trip to Lagos to set up computer equipment for the OpenNet Initiative in April, 2007  (Photo from her Flickr

Free Monem, Free Karim, Free Egypt

An international campaign to free Monem was launched by a group of activist bloggers from several countries.

HRW Demands Release of MB Blogger Abdel Monem Mahmoud

Once again, the Egyptian government is prosecuting a journalist because he has reported on human rights abuses in the country. The government should focus its energies on ending the abuses,

Abdel Monem Mahmoud, the latest victim of the Egyptian police state

Abdel Monem Mahmoud is the latest victim of the Egyptian police state. A blogger, journalist, activist, who also happens to be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood,

Free Abdel Monem Mahmoud

We rallied to the cause when Egyptian blogger Kareem was imprisoned, now the police state that is Egypt has detained yet another blogger, Abdel Monem Mahmoud. Except in his case,

Arabeyes: Egyptian Blogger Abdul Monem Mahmood Arrested

Egyptian blogger Abdul Monem Mahmood (Arabic) is the latest in a string of bloggers arrested by Egyptian authorities. He is being detained under custody for 15 days as charges are

Blogger Abdel Monem Mahmoud Has Been Arrested

Egyptian Security forces arrested blogger and Ikhwanweb correspondent Abdel Moneum Mahmoud at Cairo International Airport today while on

Free Monem?

The blogosphere and mass media alike have rallied impressively to the cause of Abd al-Kareem Sulayman (Kareem Amer), the Egyptian blogger imprisoned for four years for his writings against Islamists. 

“ Brotherhood’s Reuter” arrested

State security forces continued its vicious campaign against Muslim Brotherhood activists and sympathizers. Twenty people from all walks of life have been arrested so far in another episode of oppression